Friday, November 17, 2006

Budapest for visas

The Ukrainian government will not issue visas through their own embassy on their soil. SO we had to travel to the nearest embassy (and one reputed to be easy to work with), which was Budapest. Some friends of ours gave us many travel tips that made our trip easier. We found it to be a wonderful city, we are glad we were "forced" to go there and hope maybe someday in the future something may "force" us to return!

An example of the beautiful region of Buda. This is right behind the bus stop behind the Ukrainian Embassy.

It's always a good picture of the open markets with all the color and interesting people.

This is one of Alicia's favorite shots... ice skating in front of a castle!

Here we stand on the Buda side overlooking Pest

An old church. This photo is more aesthetically pleasing than the Burger King.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Prayer # 5

Отец наш небесный!

Благодаpим Тебя за мир который ты сотворил

Благодаpим Тебя за всё прекрасное что есть в мире

Благодаpим Тебя за етот прекрасный осенний день

Благодаpим Тебя за Твою заботу

Благодаpим Тебя за Твою помощь

Господь! Дай нам мудрость и терпение

Помоги нам хорошо понять урок

Благослови нашу учёбу

Благослови нас, Господь

Помоги нам постоянно прославлять Твоё имя

Во имя Иисуса Христа, Аминь.

Our heavenly Father

Thank you for the peace that you created

Thank you for all the beauty that is in the world

Thank you for this beautiful fall day

Thank you for Your care

Thank you for Your help

God! Give us wisdom and patience

Help us learn the lesson well

Bless us with your teaching

Bless us, God.

Help us continually bless Your name

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Shole Sneg

(that means that snow comes in Kiev)

Leesh and Me with our new coats. Nice coats, but we are relying on God's mercies to keep us warm this winter! It's just getting started good and it's about as cold as I've ever known it!

This is Lena, Nena, Julia and Alicia waiting on the marshrutka after church Sunday. The church in Sumy are doing well. We were happy to be able to travel there to be with them. If you look closely, you can see the snow falling in the camera's flash.

Lena and Julia are often our hostessess in Sumy because we can all communicate in English. We are learning Russian, but our conversations are long enough for greetings. We're working up to our conversations to be the length of "tea," one day maybe we'll achieve a meal's length of conversation.

This is Brett sitting at home in the "office" talking on Skype. (brett.alicia.white). Note the inside clothes.