Sunday, November 11, 2007

It's Winter

Things in Kiev have changed a lot since our last blogging. It rained all day yesterday and some time last night it began snowing and has not stopped all day. Brett and I were reminded this morning of the importance of water-proof, warm shoes!

Brett and I traveled back to the States a few weeks ago because my grandmother passed away suddenly. It was a huge shock to everyone; we are so thankful we were able to be there with my family. We also visited with Brett's mom and dad who were able to drive up to WV for the weekend.

My Aunt Deb also came to visit

We also got to celebrate mom's birthday!

Tiffany, Megan, Elizabeth and her babies

Me, Amanda, Megan, and Tiffany

Josh and Brett

When we came back to Kiev, we traveled to Sumy that weekend to visit with the church. Brett preached and Grady translated. The preacher, Vova, was in Russia visiting his in-laws.

The children's church with Nina and Ira

The Bryan Family

Nina and Ivan had us over after church. Nina is teaching me(in Russian!) how to knit. I definitely need some more practice.(with knitting and russian)