Whenever someone asks, just tell them we're just waiting for the baby.
Here's some photos to share, thanks for keeping up with us.
We went to Huntington's flower garden where we had special "pregnant pictures" taken.
Thanks Karen, SaraBeth, Abbie, and Katie!
Carrie and Alicia-- a nice mom and daughter photo. Alicia wouldn't have wanted to be without her mom for when Bella is born. Doug and Carrie have been wonderful to us, and it's been fun hanging out with brother, Clinton.
Before we left Valdosta, these girls threw Isabella a shower! This is Kassie, Lora, and Sarah. Thanks so much for those who came and who gave presents.
It was really overwhelming to me the love that people from Valdosta showed us. Thanks so much, we are blessed!
This is Leesh standing in front of the camper we're staying in beside the Shrewsbury home. It's like a dream for me to be living in a camper. Seriously... and you won't believe how many jokes I've heard for saying that! Portable, compact, what more do you need? It's nice to have our own space, even though we spend meals and time over in the house with the family.