Saturday, June 06, 2009

more pictures from Poland and our lives

I loved this wee truck near the train station

Bella loved looking out the window of the train!

She's been doing this "peeping" thing lately... we think it's the cutest thing.

Wow... what a beautiful little face.

My girls in black and white riding the train back to Kyiv from Poland.

My girls enjoyed a polka in the background

Bella's favorite toy store... no wait, that was OUR favorite toy store. All wood toys are awesome. They were quite economical as well.

Bella enjoying one of her toys from this store. I love this picture's contrast with the white and the red and the colory

This is a MAN picture. Me standing in front of the Wawel Castle gates made of hefty iron with the king's insignia-- CHECK THIS OUT... look to the left above my head. They are the bones of the fabled dragon of Krakow. What else would they be?

Krakow's old town is "gated" by lovely green spaces. My girls make them lovelier.

Their malls are gated with CRAZY bowls of ice cream.

This is Brett on the sunset of his 36th year.
We just updated the UMW blog The explanation is in the last post.

This is a church that was used as a stronghold during the great war (WW2). It's located between Kyiv and Kalintsi (going toward the Belarussian border, also toward the infamous Chernobyl). We stopped here for a break when we were traveling with Carol Pinczuk.

While we were staying at the camp, they would run the cows down the road for milking twice a day.

This is the view out of the lodge window where we were sleeping. It was so much lovelier than the picture is.

Bella's been eating quite well, and messily.

Daughter and Mama snuggle on Mother's day.

A Krakow map on a handbag.

All girls love flowers... but sometimes for different reasons

Bella is loving her food processor (thanks to the Paetkaus for the use of it)

This is one of the jacks that they use to switch out the tracks between Poland and Ukraine. They jack the entire train (minus the wheels) a couple of meters in the air.

Visiting with our good friend Anya.