Monday, March 05, 2007

Purposeful Encounters

I've purposefully tried to keep more pictures on here than writing-- however I don't want to go too long without saying something. I know many of you are checking up on us even if we don't hear from you all the time.

We got to visit the Bryans new baby Roman Coleridge this weekend. We'll have pictures of the family of six soon.

We were blessed to visit a "Street Kids" center Friday. A student from the school works there with his wife-- there are unbelievable numbers of homeless children in Ukraine, espcially in Kiev. But don't tell anyone I told you that, because they are truly persona non grata-- their very existence is virtually denied. No one possesses the burden to take care of someone who does not exist. It's no nicey-nice, sunshiney, happy-clappy ministry, either.

Alicia's regular trips to the orphanage have been delayed due to a city-wide, multi-organization quarantine.

Studies are going well... ever now and then, there are AHA! moments. We study hard every day. I didn't think "homework" would be part of my regualar personal vocabulary after grad school!

I've been meeting regularly with several different brothers to keep accountable for my personal walk. With Alan Beckett, I'm learning about saturation church planting. You should check it out if you're interested (click the pretty blue words). From Serge, I'm learning more about the Churches of Christ in Ukraine PLUS he's helping me hone my Russian skills. It's good to have purposeful encounters with people-- I think it's probably closest to what Jesus had with his disciples.


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