Christmas and NewYear's has come and gone, so has Old Christmas and Old New Years, which is a whole 'nother thing. Our anniversary past, and so did Alicia's Birthday. The weather's been cold and icy most of the time.
We've been picture short lately, but here are a few offerings:
Alicia and some of the girls from the home they've been visiting, at the final day of the special program.
We had dinner at our friends home, some Korean missionaries, plus our teacher and her daughter.
I was invited to speak at a chapel program of a Christian School here, Kiev Christian Academy. Both of us have been involved in Life Transformation Groups which will be integral to our future ministries.
We have lots of changes coming up that we would ask you all to pray for-- plus, a special timely request for prayers for our friends Chad and Mandy Smith's baby Evangeline, who was recently born with heart problems.
Brett and Alicia
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